Using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn With Forex Trading

You think forex trading is a mystical closed group only for the initiates? You couldn’t be further away from the truth. In today’s times, you cannot talk anymore about financial investments as a business only for “the chosen ones”. The Internet and technology development have changed the financial world radically and retail trading is starting to become quite an important part of the forex market. And social networks adopted it quite fast and opened the door for a different type of investor: the traders without so much financially education.

What Trading Support And Resistance Really Mean

If you have scoured many Forex trading forums, then you’ve probably heard many traders mention the words “support” and “resistance”.  I for one, am a big believer in trading with support and resistance. The problem is that when many traders (not all) mention these words, they don’t know what this actually means.

$10K to $1M in 1 to 2 Years – AutoTrade

Most people that know about the best online AutoTrading system available will keep it from you as it is not in their interest to share or take responsibility for other peoples financial success. It sounds like a game of monopoly… What if you found out that it was free after all said and done?

Being A Forex Entrepreneur

I’m sure just like many of you that are reading this article, I have had plenty of jobs that I absolutely hated. Every day was a struggle to muster up the energy to plaster a fake smile on my face and go to work.  I lived for the weekends, like many people do right now.

What I Really Think About Automated Forex Robots

I believe that most of us have an instinctual feeling that comes from within whenever we see somebody try to sell us a bill of goods. We have an inner voice that tell us “you know this is a big steaming pile of you know what”.

Learn Forex Live – Hands on Forex Techniques

Learning Forex is a very practical experience. Many new traders try to teach themselves to trade the currency market from purchased Forex techniques or currency trading systems in eBooks or other formats. This is by far the most difficult approach. It’s a bit like trying to learn to swim by reading a good book on swimming. You have to learn Forex live.

Don’t Be Emotional In Forex Trading

Do you know that you can tell instantly who will make money and who will lose money in the forex market? It’s real simple…

Technical Analysis in Binary Options Trading

Anyone who has practical experience of trading forex will probably be accustomed to the notion of using support and resistance to assist them in their daily trading decisions. Technical analysis can be used in binary options in order to identify the price movements as a means of analyzing the future direction of the prices.

Trading Touch Options and Boundary Options

You want to know how to trade Touch options and Boundary options? Learn more about these two types of options and how to trade them correctly!

Forex Trading Help for Newbies

Forex trading is becoming one of the latest crazes for online business. It can be very rewarding, provided you follow a plan. The number of people who jump in and start trading without a plan fail at a rate of about 90%.

A Tax on Certain Financial and Currency Transactions?

About 15 years ago, I wrote an interesting essay about the challenges we had where people were shorting US dollars on international currency exchanges, and making a ton of money. In fact some of the people we know quite well were highly leveraged in this game, and made billions of dollars, and occasionally they got their rear-ends handed back to them. One might ask why someone should be allowed to play currency markets, even to the point of manipulating them, just so they can scrape off a portion of the proceeds each time.

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