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Successful Forex Traders Know The Value Of Paper Trading

Paper trading is a value tool for Forex traders who are learning the ropes but we all want to move on to live trading as quickly as we can and put our paper trading days behind us. You might be surprised to learn therefore that more and more successful traders today are making very profitable use of paper trading.

The FOREX Market- Trade With Your Head Not Your Heart

Sounds simple-right? In actuality, this is the number one reason why day traders lose their shirts. They let their emotions get the best of them and end up doing something real stupid. Trust me I’ve done it. When trading currency, you need to take yourself away from the platform and look at your trades in actual bills not numerical values on a computer screen.

What is Forex Trading Software?

Learn what Forex software is, and how it works. Learn the features you want to look for so you can be profitable using Forex.

Forex Secrets – Delusion Number 2 – Who Prompts Forex Quotation to Traders?

The delusion conceptually propounds that traders operate at a spontaneous FOREX market (as stipulated by B. Williams, A. Elder, E. Nayman, etc.) But it is not the case. Traders do their job inside a well-organized and controlled currency exchange market, governed by the Consortium of the world’s largest banks. Hence, who is pushing the currencies up and down, who defines trends, corrective actions and flats?

The Forex Trader Does Not Need To Be Right, But He Has To Be Objective

A very hard lesson for most novice traders is that of finding out that they are often wrong when it comes to predicting market movements and that, despite months of study and the use of all the latest predictive tools, they are not always right. The secret to successful trading does not lie in getting it right, but is to be found in trading objectively.

An Ideal Forex Trading Education Module in Preparing Yourself for Profit and Risks in Forex Market

Before you join the Forex market, you should have the fundamental and proper Forex trading education, knowledge and skills on trading currencies. The ideal forex trading education module should consist of…

G7 Forex System – The Most Effective Forex Trading System Tool

Usually every expert trader has their own forex trading system which acts as a guiding tool. A well-designed and refined Forex trading system can signal you the market sentiments to precision.

Learn Forex Trading – Dealing With A Market That Is Always On The Move

The foreign exchange market never stands still and, while it may move slowly at times, it is always on the move. In many ways this is one of the great benefits of Forex trading as it is this movement which provides the opportunity to profit from buying and selling global currencies, but it can also make it difficult to decide when to get into a trade, get out of a trade or simply stay out of the market altogether.

FOREX Trading – 10 Mistakes Novice Traders Make

Enclosed are 10 mistakes novice traders make and they help over 90% of novice traders lose all their money. Make any of them in forex trading and odds are you will lose to.

FOREX Brokers – What I Learned as a Broker Trading 5,000 Clients

I spent 10 years as a forex broker and traded thousands of clients, here I will give you a broker’s view of trading clients. I will reveal who won, who lost, how we made money and how we treated them.

Online FOREX Trading – Become a Successful Forex Trader in Two Weeks!

One of the most inspiring stories I ever read, was how legendary trader Richard Dennis taught 14 people who had never traded before, to trade successfully in just two weeks. The result? The traded and went on to make millions and become some of the most famous traders of all time.

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