What Is The Main Thing A Currency Trader Needs To Know?
What is the main thing a trader in the currency market must deal with? Is there some way to get a read on what the market is doing in a consistent manner? Most traders who I have trained over the years find that they don’t really understand what moves the markets.
How Do You Determine Direction In The Forex Market?This is a question everyone asks every time they look at a trading chart. In most cases, trading charts are full of indicators, trend lines, Fibonacci Ratios, Gann Lines, Bollinger Bands, plus all kinds of other data. All of this to determine the direction of the market and when to enter.
Why Eliminating Drawdown In Trading Forex Is PossibleCan you eliminate drawdown when trading Forex? How often have you entered a trade only to see it go against you? Ever doubled down on a trade? Did it work. Learn a better way.
Forex Trading TrainingGood training is probably the most essential aspect of being successful in area. When it comes to trading, it is no different. Having a good mentor can help you master the markets, because if you understand everything that a successful trader understands, there is no reason that you should not be successful as well.
Currency Trading – Overnight Vs Intraday PositionsWhat are the differences between intraday trading and position trading in Forex? What are the implications for holding a Forex position overnight? In this article, I am sharing with you my insights on my intraday and position trading in Forex that will help to answer these questions.
What Does Momentum Mean To The Forex Trader?Many people use momentum to mean one this or another in trading. Usually it means that prices are moving in a particular direction or there might be an indication that momentum is going to occur. However, no one has ever devised an indicator or trading method that accurately determines momentum. So how does one do it?
5 Secrets of Successful Forex TradersDiscover what makes the difference between pro Forex traders and the 90% of other traders. Successful Forex traders do things differently…
Money Talks As Currency Is Bought And SoldThe buying and selling of currencies is a common trade. It is best not to invest in a foreign currency without studying the economic conditions of the country. Buying foreign currency can be extremely tricky as the currency market is flooded with frauds. It is best that you take time to decide whether you want to invest in a particular currency or not.
Gold Dealers: Tips For Selling Your JewelryWhen you’re looking to make some cash, visiting gold dealers is a great idea. Learn about how to avoid the ones who will rip you off and how to come away from the deal satisfied.
Forex Study – Commit to Your Trading EducationIt is important to do regular forex study if you hope to become a profitable trader. This can mean learning from various experts or it can even mean learning from your own trading success and failures.
Trading With The Trend In Forex With Consistency And ProfitDo you trade with the trend? Many traders learn from the beginning about the value of trading with the trend. Obviously trend trading, if you can do it, leads to a much greater number of pips then if you are trying to trade in a choppy market or in consolidation.