PREPARE FOR THIS BIG BITCOIN MOVE!! [price targets revealed]

The World’s Greatest Trading Indicator

It seems that we now only put value on complexity or what we often label as “advanced”. The buzzword today in trading is “indicators, indicators, indicators”. Which one is the best?

Tips on Choosing Your Forex Broker

When you started to pick up trading or get in touch with trading FX. You may feel overwhelmed and jump the gun at the first brokerage house that was introduced to you.

Different Types of Forex Brokers

With so many Forex brokers to choose from, it is certainly no simple task to find the ideal forex broker that suits your trading style & preference. As you may have know that foreign exchange is an unregulated market because is not traded on an exchange, which means that prices you see and get from one broker could vary from those of another.

Advice for the Beginner Forex Trader

Trading the financial markets is one of the most competitive fields in existence today. An important tip for those who want to start forex trading.

How to Scalp Effectively in Forex Market

There is a common saying among scalpers; “Trade for today, not yesterday”. Scalping for small profits is one of the most popular strategies in Forex trading. Scalpers rely on trading regularly and taking consistent small profits. They usually liquidate their trades on the same day. However, the problem with this strategy is that it has the tendency to turn you into a compulsive gambler (especially for beginners).

Is Forex Trading For You?

In Forex trading you will find that it offers several advantages over stocks and shares. Lets us take a look and make comparison between these 2 financial instruments;

Platinum And Its Uses

Platinum has been making its way into American culture as the use of it in jewelry has grown substantially in the past ten years. If you have priced jewelry recently you know this precious white metal is even more costly than gold. So what is platinum and how long has it been around?

A Lesson In Forex Trading – You Must Learn Whatever It Takes

So you have decided that you will try and will start learning what Forex is. As a starter in the currency markets there are a number of lessons you must learn before you can attain the title of “profitable forex trader”. So as you move on to download your trading station and begin your journey in the world of forex trading, have in mind that you will have to learn important lessons along your journey.

A Review of Pips and What Role They Play

Every trader in the Foreign Exchange (Forex) market hopes to make a profit from something called a “pip”. It may sound silly, but gains in pips can potentially make one very wealthy.

The Basics Of The Forex Market

The foreign exchange, or Forex market is relatively young, having begun in the early 1970s after the United States dropped the gold standard and national currencies started to fluctuate widely. For about 30 years prior to that, most nations had agreed to keep their currency values stable in relation to the U.S. dollar, making a Forex market unnecessary.

Dominate Forex With A Killer Software

There is a dream every forex trader will have sooner or later. He would do or give almost any thing for the ability of predicting what the forex market will do next as he observes the charts on his trading station and he prepares himself for entering his next trade.

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