New Era For Crypto (Bitcoin CONQUERS Europe!)

Is Day Forex Trading Training Worth Your Money?

In the beginning of my part-time trading career couple of years ago I was a struggling trader failing to make a consistent profit in Forex. I had experience with a few trainings and courses and can give you a few tips how to pick the right one.

Anyone Can Learn Swing Trading

When I first came into Forex trading I like many others was looking for the ways to make quick cash. Later I found out that longer term trades like swing trades work best for me.

Online Paper Trading

After years of successful forex trading I am shocked to see how few new Traders understand the importance of online paper trading. Before you even think of using your money to trade find out why you must paper trade successfully first.

Forex Auto Pilot – Is it a Wise Investment?

Is it wise to put your money into the Forex Auto Pilot product? If so, why? If not, why not?

Price Action – The Forex Trading Technique That the Pros Use

I can’t help but smile when I see all the different kinds of forex trading techniques that you can find online. They always seem to be these indicator driven systems where you make a trade based on what five different indicators are telling you at the time. There is no rhyme or reason for any of them. You are only basing your trading decision on a bunch of mathematical formulas that are lagging in time.

How to Achieve Financial Forex Success

Everyone is looking to achieve financial forex success, or to find success from trading in the forex market. This has led many traders to find and embrace forex trading programs. So much so that it was recently estimated that approximately over 25% of all forex traders are currently using some sort of program in their campaigns. This is up from the 18% who reported using it just three years ago. As it’s obvious that forex trading programs are on the upward trend and quite possibly the future of forex trading, it’s important to know why.

The Best Forex Trading Software Offers

As forex trading software has been lauded in some circles as being the future of forex trading, the best forex trading software excels in the two areas of forex trading which measure profit and success more than anywhere: accuracy and timing. Arguably the most power feature associated with the best forex trading software is the trend indicator. While most of these programs will have a different name for it, the purpose is essentially always the same.

The Forex Trading Strategy to Find the TRUE Support and Resistance Areas

If you have been around long enough in the forex market, I’m sure you have probably heard of these indicators that you can just put on your charts that will tell you where the support and resistance area. These are usually known as pivot indicators. They are based on a mathematical formula.

Are You Stumped by FX Trading Software? All You Need to Know About Automated Forex

Have you always wanted to enter the world of forex trading? FX trading systems may the answer to your problems. FX Trading systems is the process of getting investments into the foreign markets that you choose.

The Forex Autopilot Forex Robot Review

Trading robots offer many benefits to Forex traders, especially to those who have to trade part time like myself. There are hundreds of Forex Robots to choose, each with it’s own impressive back testing reports, customer testimonials and positive reviews all over the internet. This article is a quick forex robot review of the most popular forex robot on the market today – Forex Autopilot.

Forex Software Review – Use Them to Avoid Losing Thousands in the Forex Markets

Forex software will definitely increase your trading profitability and make Forex trading a lot more enjoyable. However, it is essential you do your research prior to purchasing. Here is what to look for when conducting a forex software review prior to buying.

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