It’s ok to have an “off” day, week, month and even an year(s) … this is life

The Main Advantages of The Forex Trading Market

The Forex market has greatly evolved since 2002 and the share of transactions by individuals is steadily increasing. In fact, this market has major advantages over equity markets or futures.So new investor should definitely consider trading Forex as this market offers great prospects for serious gains and is a market not easily affected or influenced by external factors.

Avoiding The Dangers of Trading With Forex Robots

Before purchasing a Forex robot you should be very well aware of the various drawbacks and not simply get excited from the promises of becoming a millionaire overnight. The opportunity of profiting with Forex robots is definitely there but one must first be aware of the dangers involved to be knowledgeable and therefore make a better decision.

Choosing The Most Reliable Company That Offers A Reliable Forex Trading System

When it comes to investing in the financial market, everyone needs an expert advice. Even seasoned investors still obtain expert guidance from industry professionals from time to time. So if you are planning to try your hand at foreign exchange trading, you should know where to get expert guidance.

Forex Investment: Provides Better Opportunities for Enhancing Liquid Assets

Looking for ways to diversify your portfolio? Then what could be a better choice than Forex investment. Forex (an abbreviated form of “foreign exchange”) trading or investment is no longer limited to major banks or governmental institutions. Nowadays, such investments are encouraged from retail investors who have started venturing into this arena with the help of retail brokers. Today, as far as investment is concerned Forex is considered to be an uncomplicated, less demanding and a lucrative option.

What Is an Investment and What Is a Social Investment Network?

An investment is a hope of gaining a profit in the future by purchasing an item in the present; an example is CFD trading; the traders buy currency pairs; stocks; commodities or indices in the present and expects the price to rise in the future. A decision can be based on an individual decision; which is collecting as much information as possible and find the best trade in connection to the information; another way to make a decision is social trading which is sharing information with others and make the best decision by following and…

The Best Time To Trade Forex

Traders must remember, just as there is a time to sleep and a time to work, when trading there are specific times when you should trade your favorite currency pairs. The forex market is open 24h a day, Monday to Friday, and is particularly more active during the opening and closing of banks worldwide. Although this is an advantage, it does not mean that the same conditions and opportunities are offered to traders during all 24 hours of the day.

The Three Most Common Mistakes Forex Trading Newbies Make

Join one day the stressful world of the forex market and you will soon understand that this is an information jungle in which it is very difficult to navigate in. Under a constant pressure to increase short-term returns, many traders, especially beginners make mistakes that leave them most often at the edge. In this article we will discuss the three most common mistakes a beginner should try to avoid.

4 Key Points About Forex Trading That Books Will Not Teach You

Even though there are many important factors you will learn in the course of your Forex trading journey, there are, however, essential skills that cannot be learned or obtained through training, but that are of equal importance. The aim of this article is not to undermine the value of traditional education currency transactions, but the aim is rather to point out the limitations of the latter.

Forex Trading – My Perspective

My trading career started pretty early in life, when I was only 16 years old. I know many of us start this journey rather late or when we reach an age where we have too much spare time on our hands. Well, what can I say I was one of the more inquisitive one’s. If you are thinking did I start trading Forex from the age of 16, well ‘NO’. I have traded many markets starting from equities to vanilla derivatives and from CFD’s to Bonds.

Why Do Forex Trading Beginners Usually Generate No Profits?

The failure rate in the Forex industry is as high as 95% for beginners in the forex market, as most traders lose their capital in their first years of trading. What is interesting to note is that the most common mistakes are avoidable. So why exactly do forex traders consistently fail to start earning money?

The First Steps To Opening A Real Forex Account

It is time to move on to create a real forex account. You used the demo Forex account, you have your strategy and you trading in a disciplined manner. You are also sure that you can finally start making those first steps in the real world of forex trading. A few important questions you might have are which type of account should I choose to begin, with which broker and will I manage to make this work?

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