let’s be very thoughtful about what we spend our money in Oct-Jan …

Forex Trading Fact – Understand This Fact and You Can Win

Enclosed is a simple Forex trading fact which most traders simply don’t think about but if they did, they would see how to really win at Forex. Let’s take a look at it…

Forex Robot Software – Why Traders Lose With Robots

Forex Robot software is popular but very few traders win with a robot. Here we will look at the main reasons why and how to find a Forex trading system that wins…

Learn Currency Trading As a Path to Prosperity, Affluence, and an Opulent Life Style

Each and every day, from every country on the globe, speaking every language known to mankind, people are becoming wealthy courtesy of the FX markets. The central uniqueness the vast majority of the newly created rich have in common; is that before they invested any funds they took time to learn Forex trading from its most essential fundamentals to it most complex and intricate investing and trading procedures.

A Currency Trading System That’s Pulling in Profits Reliably For Extended Periods is What You Need

If you have a chance to visit its website you will have access to something I have never seen at any other site in this industry, or at any financial commerce website for that matter. It is kind of amazing, and I found myself going back to check on it constantly. What it does is update its trading results every fifteen minutes the market is open. In other words, it lets you know how much you would have made or lost in real time if you were a user of the product.

Forex Trading Strategies Are Extremely Varied, But My Personal Favorite is Called Forex Scalping

This form of investing is very similar to “Day Trading” in the stock markets that was all the rage a few years ago, with some major exceptions that make it much more predictable and profitable. First, in every currency transaction there is always one winner and one loser. One person makes money and one person loses money. If you’re trading a stock there could be ten losers in a row and no winners. In other words, one person could buy a stock at 20 and sell it at 19, the buyer at 19 could then sell it at 18 and so on. This does not happen in the currency markets, one person always make money and one person always loses money.

How to Simplify Your Forex Trading With an Expert Advisor

Expert Advisors have dramatically changed the trading landscape in recent years. They have made successful forex trading accessible to the individual retail trader.

Forex Trading – Begin at the Basics

Broker dealers, major banks, market makers, these are the places Forex Trading takes place. Around the world a marketplace is created by these entities to trade currencies on a twenty four seven basis.

Forex Trading For Beginners – Overcome the Obstacles

If there is one common theme of forex trading for beginners is that many of them are scared to death to trade with real money. Most beginners only feel comfortable trading when they are using a demo. Most of this has to do with confidence (or lack thereof). They feel as though they can only trade successfully if they have the experience that other traders have. This is just false.

Forex Trading – Trade With the Trend and Make Tons of Money

The forex is one of the easiest markets to trade for one very important reason -the trend. The forex markets tend to trend in one direction much better than stocks and commodities. It is much, much easier to make money in a market moving in one direction than in a market than cannot make up its mind where it wants to go. Let’s look at 3 steps that will help you make money using the trends.

What’s the Best Currency Trading Strategy?

Ironically, I believe the best currency trading strategy is the one that is right now being extremely underused. The strategy that I am referring to is called price action. The concept is as old as the free market itself. You could research on traders like Jesse Livermore, who at the turn of the 20th century, became millionaires just by being able to follow the price movement of a stock, caused by the other floor traders.

Forex Scalping – What’s it All About?

This may come as a surprise to many people but there are a lot of traders who prefer to scalp the market, instead of long term trading or swing trading. This is especially true in the forex market. Forex scalping involves getting in and out of the market 6 or 7 times a day and being satisfied with getting a consistent 5-10 pips a trade. You are not going for any home runs.

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