“Why I Destroyed $1.3M in Cryptocurrency on Purpose!” | Paul Caslin

Forex Trading – Stack the Odds in Your Favour

As a trader you can and should be staking the odds in your favour so that you to only need to win a small percentage of times to win in the long term. The simple way to do this is to make sure when you win it returns a higher percentage than when you lose.

Tips That Everyone Needs To Know for a Solid Forex Trading Strategy

Don’t take Forex lightly, it is very serious. Individuals going into it for thrills are doing it for the wrong reasons. Gambling away your money at a casino would be safer; at least then you know exactly how much you are going to lose.

4 Tips On How To Be An Awesome Forex Trader

Do you want to be successful in the Forex market? Here are tips on how to be a success: Be On The Lookout For News Announcements Economic news or global events have great impact on the currency pairs. For example, there are some news announcements that have driven a currency up to 200 pips.

4 Common Myths About The Forex Market

Due to the popularity of Forex trade, there are many myths surrounding it. Here are some of the most common myths: Forex Trade Is An Easy Way To Rise From Rags To Riches – While there’s a lot of money to be made in the Forex market, it doesn’t come quick. For you to make good money you need to master how to trade.

Pros And Cons Of Forex Robots

A Forex robot is software that aids in analyzing the Forex market. All you need to do is to set the software and it will not only analyze the market for you, it will also trade on your behalf.

4 Forex Chart Mistakes To Avoid

Forex charts are great tools to help you in making the right trading decisions. For you to be successful you need to avoid these mistakes: Using Many Indicators Many new traders see Forex indicators and think that they need to use all of them in their trade. This not only confuses and frustrates the new traders, it also increases the chances of the traders making loses.

What You Need To Know About Candlestick Charts

Candlestick charts are used internationally by all types of Forex traders. The charts are preferred by the traders as they are easy to understand – you can easily use them even if you are a newbie.

The Birth of Cryptocurrency and the Future of Financial Transactions

If you are asked what the birth of cryptocurrency would bring to the world of finance, the first thing that will probably cross your mind is what is cryptocurrency? This thought however, will only come to the mind of people who are not well versed with the existing online currencies. But, if you are one of the few but dominant figures who know cryptocurrencies even if your eyes are closed, you would be able to answer the question more elaborately.

Forex Trading Strategies That Actually Work

Trading in Forex is considered to be much more safe than the equity markets. Here I have discussed some time-tested techniques of trading and making big in the Forex market.

Everything You Need To Know About Spreads In Forex Trading

The spread is a term used in Forex trading to mean the amount of pips between the bidding price and the asking price. The spread is what Forex brokers use to make money in every trade.

Worldwide Trading Strategies

Have you just started trading Forex and wondering the strategies that you should use to trade? There are many strategies that you can use. Some of two of the best ones:

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