Is Forex Scalping Right For You?
Forex scalping strategies help forex traders to make profits very quickly in forex market. Most beginners use the scalping strategy to earn quick profits, as it is associated with short term trends. However without a proper forex trading plan, this strategy can result in more losses than gains for forex traders.
Forex Day Trading – What You Need to KnowMore and more people are now taking interest in the Forex trade because they believe that they can make a fast buck, some are right and some are wrong. If you think that luck plays a very major role in making profit and money in the Foreign exchange trade then you need to consult a Forex trading expert.
How to Get the Best Forex EducationIf you want to make a career in the foreign exchange market, it is most important to get the best Forex trading education possible. You will be successful only if you have complete knowledge about the market and the works.
Do You Use the Proper Forex Management?Forex management is very important because without this tool, you cannot avoid complete bankruptcy. If you use the right forex management, you have the chance to succeed and earn some very big money.
Extended Forex Trading HoursAs all of us know, forex currency is the buying of the currency of a country in lieu of the selling of the currency of the other country. The forex trade happens all around the globe through online trading nowadays. The trade can be done from any corner of the world at any time. In fact there is no fixed time for the trade.
Finding Good Forex TrainingForex Training comes in many forms; personal one on one training, self training over the internet, group webinars, spread betting platforms, forex forums and clubs. The problem is that none of the above are regulated by any particular education body, so it is difficult to know if the training you are getting is in fact any good or in some cases relevant at all. One of the best forms of training is to be taught one on one by a professional trader that can show you a history of success; this training can of cause be very expensive and…
How to Start Forex Trading – Very Useful For Forex Beginners Who Have Low Budgets to Start!Every beginner knows what is forex trading but the only one question for them is to how to start. As of now there are many tools, trading systems and software that are in use in daily trading.
Uncovering Value in the Commodity MarketsThe electronic meltdown in the stock market also cued a sell off in many commodity markets. Now that the dust has settled, it’s time to appraise the current state of the markets. I believe the shock to the system uncovered some fruitful trading opportunities.
New CFTC Forex Trading Leverage Rules – Why it is Good For You (Article 1 of 3)On January 13th, 2010 the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) issued a press release regarding its latest rule proposal for the regulation of retail forex transactions. The proposal seeks to adopt a new regulatory scheme to implement the CFTC Reauthorization Act of 2008 and limit leverage to 10:1. My reaction to this?
How to Handle Randomness and Uncertainty As Building Blocks of a Successful Forex Trading SystemIt remains an interesting, and costly, fact that while most people of average intelligence acknowledge the role of randomness in markets, they don’t trade as if they do. Why?
Automated Trading System – Discover the Only Way to Trade the Forex MarketIt never fails. People try in vain to enter the Forex market with complicated manual trading methods they learn for a course. Reality is, this is a very difficult way to trade. A better method is to use an automated trading system.