Trending and Counter Trending Behavior
A trending market is one in which the directional bias is obvious and can be seen on the chart by a pattern of highs, lows, and closes moving in the same direction. A counter trending market is one in which there is no obvious direction other than sideways.
Patience and TradingPatience is equal in value to discipline in this game; both are priceless. We’ve always suspected that the reason 90 to 95 percent of retail traders lose their money is that they have no patience.
How to Get the Best Auto Forex ProgramToday there are two major types of forex program: the auto forex program and signal generators. Both work to make your life more convenient and easier in the forex market and one third of all forex traders currently use this technology to aid them in their trading. Given the immense popularity of this technology, there are now more programs on the market than ever. This is a guide devoted to separating fact from fiction in seeing through the hype so that you can select the best auto forex program or signal generator.
Discipline in TradingIt means not throwing good money after bad and not succumbing to the rush of making fast money. This is particularly important after a trader has had a profitable streak. You will find that once you’ve had a profitable trade or a string of profitable trades, you miss not being in the market.
Forex Trading Without a Stop Loss?I will say that be responsible for your money and for your family. Be cautious and be vigilant. Practise money management to make money. Having a stop loss is the first step to practising sound money management.
Hardwired to TradeTo have a method or a trading plan truly hardwired into your head takes many, many impressions or, ideally, many months or even years of demo or live trading. Gaining that experience takes discipline.
Trading PsychologyThere are many misconceptions about the type of people successful traders are. For example, are they are creative mavericks with aggressive personalities? This is not altogether untrue but is the opposite of the case in our estimation.
Learning the Basics of the Forex MarketThe Forex Market financial centers are at Sidney-Tokyo-London-Frankfurt-New York. As the market is global there always buyers and sellers at any time of the day, that’s why the market is the most liquid of all trading markets.
Why is the Forex Market So Volatile and How Can You Exploit it For Profit?One of the things that is intriguing about the Forex market is the volatility. Traders may wonder what moves the markets on most days and how much do retail traders move the markets? The answer to this question can be viewed from the perspective of the amount of money that changes hands every day.
Benefits of Spread TradingSpread trading is a strategy that is used by traders and stock market players to increase their profits from their trading. A spread trade is nothing but the difference between one’s long and short positions. The following are some of the benefits of spread trading.
Forex Trading Scalper Made 738% NET PROFIT For Joseph Taylor Who Had Little Trading ExperienceIn order to make a lot of pips, you need to make a lot of scalper trades that are tiring and not humanely possible. Forex trading scalper does exactly that. It scalps the forex market repeatedly multiple times each day that is not humanely possible. Forex trading scalper trades so fast, raking in a few pips every time, it scalps the market. When you add up those pips, you end up in hundreds each day!