AvaFX Vs Etoro – The Battle of the Brokers

Both AvaFX and Etoro have stellar reputations especially when it comes to their customer support. So, how does a trader decide between these two top brokers? What type of trader would benefit more from AvaFX and what type would enjoy trading with Etoro?

Undisclosed Facts About Forex Trading

Whenever there is a financial rumour, whether it is gambling in the casino or playing the stock market, people will want to find a “system” that assures you of being successful. The forex market is not different in that regard. But is there a forex system that is capable of eliminating risks and guarantee the investor profit in this case?

Increasing Margin With Forex Bonus

Making profit on the forex market is all about having bigger margin for trading. Although that could be achieved by using a higher leverage level but the leverage remains a two sided sword. On the one hand it can increase your profit ration but on the other it can also increase your risk ratio.

Automated Pips Review – Does This Automatic Forex Trading Method Really Work?

Does the automatic Forex trading method called Automated Pips really work? This trading software has been fully programmed to be completely hands free while allowing any individual to use it regardless of their Forex trading experience. There is very minimal manual work required to make this robot work.

Advantages Associated With FOREX Trading

The financial returns promised for FOREX trading are very high compared to the trading of stocks, futures or commodities. One of the most prominent advantages associated with this trading is that there are equal chances for success in falling as well as in rising markets. The flexibility of the market is another advantage associated with trading.

Using Candle Stick Patterns In Forex Trading

Candle sticks are probably the most common chart type for charting forex price action, but I think traders really tend to miss some of the important information that candles give you. There can be lots of reasons for this. In many cases “indicator fascination” gets in the way of sound chart reading.

Forex Trading – Greece, the Euro, and the European Union

Forex trading has been extremely volatile as of late as a result of the sovereign debt crises currently unfolding in Greece. The fear is that this debt crisis in Greece will spread to other heavily indebted countries in the European Union (EU) such as Spain, Portugal and Italy. As a result of what has happened, the Euro currency has plunged nearly 11% against the US Dollar. When looking at this situation we need to ask ourselves the following questions: Is the sell-off in the Euro over done and is the recent strength in the US Dollar a result of strong fundamentals in the United States or of weakness in the Euro? The reason these are important questions is because the answer to the second one will greatly impact how we answer the first.

Money Is a Currency Away

Have you experienced travelling outside your country for a vacation or business? Did you have to exchange your current currency to that country’s currency? This is in simple ways Forex trading. Our currencies when exchanged for another currency allow us to use the money across countries and borders.

How Do You Become a Successful Forex Trader?

Want to explore the vast market of Foreign Exchange or Forex? Interested in earning money by using currencies? Then being a Forex trader is a job for you.

Disciplined Trading – 10 Steps to Trading Success

Basic concepts to bring some structure and discipline to your trading. Develop a style that suits you and your pocket.

Best Tips On How To Select A Good Forex Broker?

Searching for a most appropriate Forex broker is a task that shouldn’t be overlooked because it can make a difference between your success or failure in your Forex Trading Business. As such, perform a diligence check based on the criteria listed in this article to help you to make a better decision.

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