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My Experience As a Forex Pro: 7 Major Things I Learnt in My Forex Trading for the Past 5 Years

Forex trading is one of the easiest ways to make money conveniently in internet today. When I learnt how to trade forex market about 5 years ago, I was eager to close my bank account and transfer the whole money I had to my platform. I started trading live.

Trading Forex Online For Income Or Wealth

Many People see trading forex online as a way to make money without having much idea of what they want to do that for. of course money is useful, but with other types of investment people are usually clear in their minds about what they are looking for in terms of a return: income or wealth building. But forex traders do not always think about this.

Methods of Forex Trading That Are Beneficial

As there are numerous forex trading platforms existent, selecting the one that is appropriate and suits your business can be quite difficult. These platforms must always be genuine in order to avoid problems in the future. Online trading must never be impulsive.

Disbelief Drives the Market Higher – Investor Sentiment As a Predictor

With so many individual investors as well as so called “gurus” predicting another crash, there is little chance it is going to happen. The market never makes the majority right. The government is creating another bubble…

The Best Forex Signals Come From Horses, Not Unicorns

Someone who already knows how to trade Forex sends you the trade, and you just have to enter it into your trading platform. Unfortunately, too many inexperienced Forex traders are looking for unicorns when they should be looking for horses.

Forex As a Second Career – Is It Possible?

The majority of people have only heard the term “Forex” in passing conversation, and relatively few of them have even a remotely accurate conception of what the Forex market really is. Most would tell you that their conception includes visions of high risk, fast action, heart pounding trading that can lead to financial nirvana or financial ruin, and most likely they have never really given any thought to the idea that they could venture into the FX Market at all, much less as a profitable participant. Their ideas of safety and security clearly do not match their ideas of trading the foreign exchange market, but this of course, is because they don’t know much about the realities of how the market can and should be traded.

Market Analysis, Vital for a Successful Currency Trader

Market analysis is an extremely valuable tool for the successful currency trader. By properly applying prior analysis, a lot of stress and uncertainty vanishes. One understands the terrain much better and is able to get a better perspective over the currency market as a whole. Opportunities are better exploited.

Currency Trading – Let Your Winning Trades Run

I find that it is extremely desired to allow my winning trades to manifest into big gains as part of my overall trading strategy. By scaling out of a trade in two stages, I end up having ‘risk free’ trades. This takes some of the emotions out of the trade and allows me to hold onto my winning trades for a lengthy period until the trend is over or until my long-term price target is reached.

3 Reasons Why You Go Into Forex Trading

If you’re getting confused or looking for which market you want to invest your money in, then here’s some of the main features that forex market has which makes the forex market far better to trade with. After you read this article, I am sure you’ll choose forex market right away without having any doubt because you now know that this market is too far ahead to be compared with any other markets like stock, futures etc.

Should I Trade Forex on Fixed Spreads, With a Market Maker, or Use an ECN?

Over the last four years I have traded forex with a number of brokers both in Australia and abroad. During this time I have experienced the best and worst of the forex markets and also the best and worst of forex brokers in general. I have traded with market makers, fixed spread providers and on electronic communication networks (ECN’s). Often I get asked which type of forex broker model is best. To answer this question and share my experiences I decided to write this article on each type of forex broker model.

Trading Education: A Must for Success in the Markets

Are you dabbling in the stock markets because stock trading is your passion or because it is your profession? Whatever be the reason having trading education would always put you in great stead when compared to many amateurs that thrive on the stock markets and burn their fingers. The online platform gives you the best opportunity to get into a trading course without even leaving your house and would help you learn the basic techniques of stock trading which every trader has to be aware of.

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